Vitamin D3 5000
Vitamin D3 5000
100% Guarantee
Dr. Shippy Approved

Vitamin D3 5,000 IU
Bioidentical Vitamin D
Natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is four times more potent than synthetic vitamin D2.
Strong evidence suggests that vitamin D intakes well above current recommendations are beneficial, and when combined with calcium, have a significant impact on overall bone health.
Additionally, vitamin D has been the subject of numerous studies for its effect on the immune system by promoting phagocytosis and immunomodulatory functions.
This formula of vitamin D (D3), provides 5,0000 IUs in the most natural, bioavailable form; it‘s the same form that is synthesized by sunlight on the skin.
Vitamin D’s primary function.
Vitamin D offers many benefits, but its main function is to maintain normal levels of calcium in the blood and help the body absorb it for strong bones.
Calcium is critical for optimal bone density and for growth, but it needs Vitamin D to utilize the calcium.
If calcium intake is low, and vitamin D levels are insufficient, the body will use calcium from existing bone to keep calcium levels in the blood in the normal range. This leads to brittle bones and osteoporosis.
Vitamin D: not just for bone health.
Since it was discovered more than a century ago, vitamin D has been widely researched and found to play many important roles in the body.
Vitamin D receptors are found on tissues in most organs in the body – having optimal levels supports the health of these organs. The heart, colon, prostate, and lungs all benefit from Vitamin D.
Optimal levels of Vitamin D can help prevent or improve:
- Osteoporosis
- Hypertension
- Some forms of cancer
- Respiratory infections
- Auto-immune diseases
- Prostate, colon and heart health
- Infections/Immune health
Vitamin D functions as a hormone. Known as the sunshine vitamin, the skin absorbs energy from the sun and turns into a chemical called cholecalciferol or vitamin D3. It then enters the bloodstream and is carried to the liver and kidneys, where it is transformed into a hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D. This is the measurable form that we can test for with a simple blood test – serum 25(OH)D. Serum levels of 25 (OH)D are high in newborns, however, they decrease as we age. It is important for all ages to maintain optimal levels of vitamin D.
Most of the patients I test for 25(OH)D levels are deficient. Vitamin D levels are typically lower in individuals who live further from the equator, and for those with darker skin. Darker skinned people produce less vitamin D with the same amount of sunlight exposure than individuals with lighter skin color. People are also limiting their exposure to the sun and wearing lots of sunscreen because too much sun is associated with increased risk for skin cancer.
Another explanation for widespread Vitamin D deficiency is that this vitamin is naturally present in only a few foods: Fatty fish like salmon, herring and sardines, cod liver oil and egg yolks.
If you would like to boost your vitamin D from the sun consider getting 15 minutes of sun daily, if possible, without sunscreen. Low mercury fish choices such as sardines and herring are also sources of vitamin D, however, you should consume in moderation to avoid accumulation of heavy metals.
What is an optimal Vitamin D level? According to the National Institute for Health sets a lower limit of 30ng/ml 25(OH)D. However, the research shows that optimal serum levels for 25(OH)D are at least 50 – 80ng/ml).
Vitamin D supports immune function. Studies show that vitamin D promotes the production of antibodies – which helps to strengthen the immune system. Lower vitamin D levels are also linked to an increased susceptibility to infection and higher levels may protect against auto-immune diseases.
Respiratory health. For many years, scientists and medical professionals have noted that respiratory illnesses are highest during the winter months, when the sun is less intense. A recent study suggests that there is an association between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of mycobacterial infections, respiratory viral infections and asthma.
Promotes positive mood and brain function. Just as vitamin D receptors reside in organs and tissues throughout the body, they also exist in the tissues of the brain, contributing to brain development and function. Once study found that high doses of vitamin D over the course of a year improved depression in subjects with low serum 25(OH)D levels.
Natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is four times more potent than synthetic vitamin D2. In Latin, calciferol means “calcium carrier.”
Strong evidence suggests that vitamin D intakes well above current recommendations are beneficial, and when combined with calcium, have a significant impact on overall bone health.
Additionally, vitamin D has been the subject of numerous studies for its effect on the immune system by promoting phagocytosis and immunomodulatory functions.