Welcome to my private online store - I am super excited to finally offer this special patient only site with you. Now, you can shop any day and time, with the same convenience of either picking up at the office or choosing courier or shipment option.

What are the differences between this store and the store for the general public?

  • You will notice the prices are lower the supplements in my clinic are offered at a discount as a courtesy to my patients. In order to offer you those same discounts online I created this private, password protected store. This provides you with the convenience of ordering your supplements anytime, online, with the same special pricing that you enjoy in the clinic.
  • This new private store has just about every supplement that I offer in my office. If you notice that one of the supplements you are taking is not included, please let us know and we will do our best to add it. In the meantime, my office will be happy to add products to your order.
  • And finally, we added a subscription service, which allows you to choose the option of having some or all of your supplements auto-matically shipped to you monthly. This is great if you know that you will be taking something long-term, and it helps us manage our inven-tory to better serve you
  • Shipping options: At checkout you will be able to choose from 4 options:
    1. Ship
    2. Pick-up at my office
    3. Courier Service
    Are you ready to get started?